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2 min read
Beware Those Who Clamor Loudest For War….
….more than likely, they are the ones who have never witnessed its horrors. My time in the United States Navy is one of which I am most...

2 min read
A Negative Review...
.....doesn't mean you didn't write a good story! On the author pages I belong to on social media, I see comments from authors distraught...

2 min read
Judge Not The Damaged and Broken
I find it amusing when I log onto social media and I am either bombarded with political posts, or “sound bites” about success and how...

2 min read
Veterans Day
ADDRESS TO FELLOW-COUNTRYMEN The White House, November 11, 1919. A year ago today our enemies laid down their arms in accordance with an...

1 min read
Within Believe There Is Only A Lie
Perhaps one of the biggest cons in life is believing in the future. We attend school, for the future. We save money, for the future. We...

1 min read
Why Has Mass Murder Become The New Normal?
We can’t escape the headlines of mass murders occurring in our schools. The very place where children are sent to be educated. The very...

2 min read
Another Mass Murder and...
...within hours, media and pundits and bloggers and morning coffee drinkers had already begun laying blame at the feet of everyone, but...

2 min read
The Author's Voice
I have had people criticize my work for breaking conventional rules of writing and grammar. Sometimes, these notes are accurate, and I...

2 min read
Why I Wrote - "Is Suicide Painless"
The characters I write are all, in one way or another, broken. I write about broken and damaged characters because in my experience, the...

1 min read
Why I Wrote "War Springs Eternal"
I recently heard Martha Raddatz state, that in the United States, only 1% of the population serve in the military. To my brothers and...
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