This merry, merry month of May was supposed to be the first of five possible triathlons I was to enter in 2022. Sadly, due to not reaching enough entrants, the Steelman Endurance Festival has been canceled. Now, Delmo Sport’s "Escape The Cape," taking place mid-June, is the first event of my triathlon season.
I had planned to enter “The Pocono Triathlon Festival” which falls on the same weekend as “Escape The Cape.” I really wanted to do Pocono since that was the first I had ever done. Yet my friend, colleague and fellow triathlete, Dr. Scott Leslie, was really amped for me to do “Escape The Cape,” and a few months ago, with spots quickly filling up, I made the “jump” and entered.
For those of us who know Scott, we are aware that last year he had a cancerous brain tumor removed and is now continuing the rehabilitation process. Scott is an Ironman, and he will get through it, there is no doubt in our collective mind. I am also confident that Scott will be at the Cape to cheer me on.
As I had stated in a post last year, I am dedicating my 2022 triathlon season to Scott. And thanks to Francine and Scott at Rusty Dog Custom Printing, I will be carrying my friend with me as each and every mile passes.
Scott, I will both praise and curse you for getting me involved in this insane athletic endeavor. You will be in my heart and mind – as well as upon my sweaty, stinking, stank-laden body. I am grateful for the advice you have given me, for encouraging me along the way, and believing in me when I was sure triathlons were never even a smoldering spark in my very vivid, and at times disturbing, imagination .
I am confident that I speak for everyone when I say we are all here for you and we love you; At least for now, I’m not sure how I am gonna feel about you jumping off a ferry into the cold waters off New Jersey.
I will see you in June – be sure to have a couple of home brews for us to celebrate.
