On a positive note, with today’s “official” weigh-in, the scale reads 182.0 lbs. My starting weight, back on February 26, 2020 was 375lbs. I am down 6.8lbs from last week for a total 193lb and am now at my lowest weight to date.
I have hit another major goal marker by dropping below 185lbs, AND I currently I have lost more weight than I actually weigh.
Structurally, I am half the person I used to be; physically, emotionally and mentally --- I am twice the person I have been in a very long time.
As I stated in one of my video updates, as I close in on my goal of 175lbs, the dramatic weight drops of 5, 7 or 9 pounds a week are a thing of the past and I am expecting weekly drops of 2 - 3 pounds to be the norm. Yet, for some reason, this week the drop was 6.8 lbs. I’ve done nothing differently, the only explanation I have for this dramatic drop is the same I always give --- “Weight comes off, as weight comes off.
I have often written of the war with obesity, which I term the bastard. Some battles I’ve won, some the bastard has won. Vigilance and consistency are the keys. Unfortunately, there is really never a moment to let down our guards, to do so, gives the bastard leverage, and an opening to move into the lead.
I am now over 1 year into this journey to recapture health, fitness, and wellness and while the BIG numbers are 182.0 and 193.0, it is important to realize that to get to this big number, it took consistently focusing on a series of smaller numbers {3.5lbs a week, 14lbs a month}. And to also understand, and accept, that it is about taking the smaller steps one-at-a-time, and even with setbacks, to recover and keep moving forward.
With all that has been going on during this pandemic, we can get lost in what we no longer have, or what we can no longer do. However, it is now that I realize just how grateful I am for what I do have, and for those whom I have in my life. To everyone on social media, my blog, Racquel, Annie, Lisa and Kim at work, my favorite patient and most encouraging fan of my writing Nicole, Doc Conway who kept me centered during the occasional setback, my accountability buddy on Facebook Carol and my new accountability buddies Monica and Florence, thank you all for your words of support and encouragement. I know for a fact, that during these most difficult times, which have been greatly compounded by other forces, without your positive comments pushing me forward, the results would not be what they are.
Even if others give up on you, or try to drag you down -- don't ever give up on yourself.
Be well and safe everyone.
Love and respect to all.
Aloha and Mahalo,