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Thanksgiving Eating

The Thanksgiving holiday is fast upon us. The diet experts have been out in full force.

Yep they have been popping up their heads, preaching how we must diet through the holiday. Therefore, these self-proclaimed experts are blabbing about, giving endless, and pretty much useless, tips on how to stay on a diet.

A FB friend me asked what I was going to eat on Thanksgiving.

I told her, what I tell everyone who is interested — whatever I like.

I own the word diet.

A diet is what we eat.

Generally for me, that means an as close to nature as possible, low carbohydrate, whole food diet. On the occasional day that I don’t follow my usual diet, I consider them open eating days.

In my book, Obesity Undone, I have outlined what internet, low carb guru, Jimmy Moore coined, ”planned splurges.” These are days when we predetermine not to be strict. The holidays can, and in my opinion should, be planned splurges. I wish I could be like fellow Chiropractor Jack LaLanne and eschew unhealthy sugar for all of my life, it is a goal for which I strive, but until then, I am going to indulge from time to time --- I accept it, and I don't let it bring me down.

Partaking, one day, every week or so is not going to sabotage all of our hard work; after all, we are the master’s of our meals. Being the masters, we must be disciplined and plan. Not for the holiday --- but for the day after. Of course this is only for those of us who do NOT have food issues, like celiac or gluten insensitivity or diabetes, etc...

1- Get rid of leftovers that are not part of our regular diet. I understand that it is wasteful, but if you are a low carber like me, the potatoes, stuffing, pie and the like go in the trash, keep the turkey and vegetables. If the bad stuff isn’t there, neither is the temptation. If our family members aren’t watching what they eat and want the leftovers, have them take the food with them. If they live with you? Tough, they don’t get them either, toss them in the trash!!!

2- Plan the next day’s meals and snacks ahead of time. After a day of cooking, setting-up, feasting and cleaning, you many not be in the mood to prepare proper foods. To alleviate this potential problem, have our foods ready and in the fridge.

3- Weigh ourselves the next day. Don’t get too hung up on the number because it will be up. Yet, get on the scale. The increased reading will keep us from making a one day splurge into a multi-week food fest.

4- Exercise. I make sure to work out Thanksgiving morning before everyone gets up and then I make sure to exercise first thing Friday morning. It is important to maintain our exercise routines. No excuses! No carbohydrate loaded laziness! We must get off our asses and move.

Holidays are very food centric events. The so-called experts will have us believe that we should not partake. Here is the dirty little secret --- we won’t be good. Part of being human is enjoying food and company. In the U.S., this often goes hand in hand. So, if we try to listen to the “experts”, but end up overindulging, instead of simply eating bad one day, we are now over-loaded with both food and bad feelings and next comes the emotional eating that often accompanies guilt.

Remember, when we prepare ahead of time for the splurge and the day after, we will enjoy a guilt free holiday.

Keep this one thought in mind:

It is not what we eat between Thanksgiving and Christmas that will destroy our weight loss and fitness goals — It is what we eat between Christmas and Thanksgiving that does the damage.

Have a happy and enjoyable Thanksgiving.

Aloha, Ciao and Stay Healthy,



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